Wednesday, July 31, 2019

John Locke -Philosophy Essay Essay

â€Å"The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom† – John Locke. What I feel that John Locke is attempting to express in his quote is that society believes that by having laws in place the government is taking away from the freedom they long to endure. However, by having laws in place it actually helps to enforce their rights to freedom. I chose John Locke as my topic for my final paper because I have taken an interest in the life he led, his inspirations and his role in politics. John Locke was the first of the classical British empiricists. Empiricists believed that all knowledge derives from experience. He became highly influential to the political world, inspiring government representatives such as Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and James Madison. Locke expressed the radical view that government is morally obliged to serve people by protecting life, liberty and property (n. a, n. d). He explained the principle of checks and balances in order to limit the power of government. He also favored representative government and rule of law. Locke insisted that when government violates individual rights, the people have a right to rebel. His views on individual rights, life, happiness and politics led Locke to become known as the 17th century English Philosopher of the enlightenment. John Locke was born August 29, 1632, in Somerset, England. He was the oldest son of Agnes Keene and John Locke. His father was a Puritan lawyer who served as a clerk for justices of the peace (n. a. , n. d). With the assistance of his father’s connections to the English government, Locke received an exceptional education. In 1647 he enrolled at Westminster School in London, where he earned his distinct honor of being named a King’s Scholar. This was a privilege that went to only select number of boys and set the path for Locke to attend Christ Church, Oxford in 1652 (n. a. , n. d). Christ Church is considered the most prestigious school in Oxford. During this educational time period, Locke engaged in logic and metaphysics. He graduated from Christ Church in 1656 and returned two years later to pursue a Masters of the Arts. This accomplishment soon led to Locke taking on tutorial work at the college. In 1668 Locke was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. The Royal Society is a fellowship of the world’s most eminent scientist and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence (n. a. ,n. d. ). Locke then went on to study philosophy and medicine at the University of Oxford and graduated in 1674 with a bachelor’s of medicine. Locke did not want to commit his life to a religious order and therefore turned down a permanent teaching position from Oxford. This opened the doors to an opportunity serving as a private physician and secretary to Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury (Kermerling, 2011). During the summer of 1666, Anthony Ashley Cooper visited Oxford where he met Locke who was at the time studying medicine. Cooper, who was suffering from a liver cyst which threatened to become swollen and infected, requested that Locke be his personal physician. Locke accepted and soon moved into a room at the Cooper’s Exeter House mansion in Westminster, London. Cooper’s condition worsened and Locke was in a position of opportunity to heal the Earl successfully. In 1668, Locke supervised a successfully surgery and save the life of Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury. This honorable act led Locke to become a valued partner of Shaftesbury. After Shaftesbury stature grew, so did Locke’s responsibilities. He assisted in the Earl’s business and political matters and after Shaftsbury was made chancellor, Locke became his secretary of presentations. Locke was involved in just about everything that Shaftsbury did. This included the formation of the Whig party. The Whig party was a political group which consisted of politicians from America, England and Scotland who opposed King Charles I of England. Locke maintained correspondence with the party to assist with influencing Parliamentary elections. Shaftsbury was imprisoned for a year and on his release he helped pass the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679 which made it unlawful for government to detain a person without filing formal charges. The act also specified that an individual could not be put on trial for the same charge more than once (n. a. ,n. d). Shaftesbury was a strong influence to John Locke and helped pave his way for future success through experience – Empiricist. During the reign of King Charles II it was illegal to write, read or have books in one’s possession that pertained to any negative press against the government. Although it was risky, Locke continued his mission. He wrote about his experience with political actions. One treatise attached a claim that the Bible sanctioned tyrants and that parents had absolute authority over children. A second treatise presented an epic case for liberty and the right of people to rebel against tyrants. He pushed to a radical conclusion which attacked slavery and a defense of revolution (n. a. , n. d. ). Locke fled to Rotterdam on September 7, 1683 to avoid legal action (n. a. , n. d. ). The English government tried to have Locke extradited for trial and possible hanging. Lock fled to London and assumed the name â€Å"Dr. van der Linden. † He signed letters as â€Å"Lamy† or â€Å"Dr. Lynne† (n. a. ,n. d. ). Locke assumed that the government would intercept mail, so he protected friends by referring to them with numbers or false names. His excuse to friends for moving to Holland was that he enjoyed the local beer. In Holland, Locke began to work on his philosophical masterpiece, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding which urged people to base their convictions on observation and reason. His argument was that all ideas, simple or complex, are ultimately derived from experience. He challenged the traditional doctrine that learning consisted entirely of reading ancient texts and absorbing religious dogmas (n.a. , n. d. ). He maintained that understanding that the world required observation. The essay was published in December 1689, and established Locke as England’s leading philosopher. In the essay, Locke states the nature of his proposed doctrine: â€Å"Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, void of all characters, without any ideas: – How comes it to be furnished? Whenced comes it by that vast store which the busy and boundless fancy of man has painted on it with almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from experience. In that all our knowledge is founded. (Valasquez, 2011)† The book became one of the most widely reprinted and influential works on philosophy. It brought great fame for Locke. So much, that he spent the rest of his life responding to admirers and critics by making revisions in later editions of the book, including detailed accounts of human volition and moral freedom. Locke also published Two Treatise of Civil Government. These writings were published anonymously in order to avoid controversy. The First Treatise is a detailed rejection of the monarchist theories of Robert Filmer. Locke attacked Filmer’s claim that God sanctioned the absolute power of kings. During this time period, such an attack was risky since it could easily be prosecuted as an attack on the King Charles II. The Second Treatise of Government offers a systematic account of the foundations of political obligation. The views expressed within this treatise were so radical that he only released his name as publisher in his will. Locke’s writings did much to inspire the libertarian ideals of the American Revolution. This, in turn, set an example which inspired people throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia. Locke’s philosophy had a great effect on American’s as well. Thomas Jefferson ranked Locke as the most important thinkers on liberty. He also helped inspire Thomas Paine’s radical ideas about revolution. James Madison drew most of his fundamental principles of liberty and government from Locke’s writings. John Locke’s writings were also included in the self-education of Benjamin Franklin. John Adam’s believed that both girls and boys should learn about Locke. Locke’s influence even traveled to France where the French philosopher Voltaire called, â€Å"Locke the man of the greatest wisdom. What he has not seen clearly, I despair of ever seeing† (n. a. , n. d. ). Mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton cherished his company. Locke helped William Penn restore his good name when he was political fugitive, just as Penn had arranged a pardon for Locke when he had been a political fugitive. Locke was described by the famous English physician Dr. Thomas Sydenham as â€Å"a man whom, in the acuteness of his intellect, in the steadiness of his judgment, in the simplicity, that is, in the excellence of his manners, I confidently declare to have, amongst the men of our time, few equals and no superiors.(n. a. , n. d. ). It is astonishing that Locke’s work has affected so many people around the world. He was an undistinguished Oxford scholar. He had a brief experience with a failed diplomatic mission. He was a physician who lacked traditional credentials and had only one patient. His first major work was not published until the age of 57. All of this and he is still one of the leading philosophers of all time. In 1691, John Locke is invited to spend his last years with friends Francis and Damaris Masham. Damaris is also a philosopher and is believed to have been romantically involved with Locke during their study years at Oxford. When Locke left for Holland, Damaris was to visit; however it did not work out and she married Francis Masham (Uzgalis, 2012). During his stay with the Masham’s Locke tutored their son Francis, here he begins to work on his treaties Thoughts Concerning Education. Locke’s health gradually began to worsen. He lost most of his hearing and his legs began to swell. He could barely bring himself to rise from bed. Around 3:00 in the afternoon, Saturday, October 28, 1704 he passed away (n. a, n. d. ). He was sitting in his study with Lady Marsham. Suddenly, he brought his hands to his face, shut his eyes and died. He was 72 years old. Locke’s focus has primarily been based upon the ideas of freedom and equality as a whole. He believed that citizens should naturally possess the right to life, liberty and happiness, which is portrayed in the constitution of the United States. These undisputable rights or natural rights have derived from the law of nature. The law of nature is a state that relies purely on the law of God, which is also known as moral law. This law gave people the natural right to life, liberty, and happiness without question. In addition, Locke believed that people also possess the basic right of self-defense if under attack. However, Locke’s key aspect of his theories was the basic idea of equality. He said that nobody has the right to rule and that consent is critical because it’s based on the premises that all people are equal (Uzgalis, 2012). John Locke is still very much known as a political philosopher in today’s modern society. Because much of Locke’s philosophy centered on subjects such as natural rights and knowledge, he has in-turn shaped American politics in such a way that it has never been the same. Locke has challenged many theories that have to do with inalienable rights as a part of natural law; therefore he had much to do with the involvement in the evolution of the American Government. He taught that, men by nature possess certain rights. He had a tremendous influence on all future political thinking. A clear representation of his involvement is portrayed in the declaration of independence. John Locke was, and will always be remembered as a pioneer in modern thinking.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Book Review Last Song

In The Last Song God is talked bout a lot and believe since Sparks was Catholic, that influenced him to add his religion into his Story. I personally do not see the author in the Story. I think he did not want to add himself in the book. The book is written in third person point of view. The point of view written in the book helps the reader understand what the character was feel Eng and the inking. Throughout the story, the author uses a lot of literary devices. At least every other page has a literary device to it. A common one I found throughout the story is simile.Of ours it's the most common literary device. Ronnie loves her brother â€Å"even though they fight like cats and dogs† and â€Å"still [takes] him to the park every weekend† (Ronnie, 23) showing that she is still willing to do things for her only brother. Steve, Ronnie and Jonahs father, shows his love for his children throughout the novel. â€Å"Spending time with Joana had been like finding special tre asure,† Steve loved his kids and spending time with them, â€Å"and he wanted to spend time with [Ronnie] as well† (Steve, 1 00) and wanted to be a part of their lives again.Love is a main theme throughout the story and while love is shown differently by each character, it is all the same. Steve has love for music and his children. Ronnie has love towards her family and Will who she met and fell in love with during the summer. And Joana loves spending time with his father and picking on his sister. The story is about a girl named Ronnie, who has to spend the summer with her dad and brother. She hung out with the wrong crowd at the beginning but after an incident she stayed away. While there she meets Will, a guy who helps her trust again.He helped her find her true self and mature into a young woman. It takes time for Ronnie to let her father back into her life again because she was upset at him for leaving. The story had lots of phrases I liked. One in particular but i t is dialog between two main characters. ‘†Can I ask you a question? ‘ (Will) ‘I'm not sure I can stop you. â€Å"‘ (Ronnie, 151) do not know why but out of the entire dialog in the story that part just jumped out. It showed how straight forward Ronnie can be. The story is written using modern English. It is not to old were o cannot understand it.At the beginning of the Story, Ronnie felt distant with her father, maybe even hate towards him. When I was in middle school used to give my parents the cold shoulder. So I can kind of relate to how Ronnie felt at the beginning of the story. My favorite character is Ronnie because she will say â€Å"what [is] on her mind† (Will, 145) and not care what other people think. Marcus is my least favorite character. He â€Å"[thinks] only about himself† (Ronnie, 138) and his personality bugs me. In the beginning of the story Ronnie felt like she did not belong. In middle school when I just started as a sixth grader used to feel like I did not belong.But eventually just like Ronnie, started feeling like that's where I am supposed to be. Personally enjoyed the entire story. It had its happy moments and other bittersweet moments that made this story one of my favorites. My favorite part of the story is when Ronnie visited Will's house for the first time. She was like a fly in a glass of milk; the author writes, â€Å"She might as well have landed on mars† [Ronnie, 227] proving my point that she felt she didn't belong there. My least favorite part was when Blaze planted some Cad's in Rennin's bag so it looked like she was shoplifting.Blaze knew what would happen to her because Ronnie said she couldn't be caught shoplifting again during the year or they would not drop the charges from the other time she did it. Would definitely recommend this book. I have read it a couple Of times and seen the movie, each time finding something new in it. The book has a bittersweet ending to it but the message it gives is wonderful. Honestly, anybody would enjoy this, Nicholas Sparks writing pulls at the heart strings, if you are willing o put the time into reading this, you will not regret it because it is a good book.

Gender and Sexual Exploitation in Advertisement

Jacob Erdy Prof. Molyneaux ENG 110 10/18/12 Gender and Sexual Exploitation in Advertisement In Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt, Jean Kilbourne sheds a feminist light on the blatant exploitation of sexuality and violence against women and men in modern advertisement. Kilbourne then goes on to explain the damage these advertisements have on today’s culture and rising generations.Kilbourne argues, in the past twenty years or so there has been a steady increase of advertisements featuring pornographic elements along with other inappropriate themes such as â€Å"bondage, sadomasochism, and the sexual exploitation of children. † (576). Such images as a jean ad where a women is being attacked by three men in an alley is a perfect example of an event that should be seen as tragic but is written off as just a way to convince people to buy a product.An interesting point that Kilbourne brings up is since these images have become more and more apparent throughout everyday life, such as in magazines, newspapers, and television commercials, â€Å"most of us become numb to these images, just as we become numb to the daily litany in the news of women being raped, battered, and killed. † (584). Unfortunately, this statement is undeniably true, after being conditioned to believe that these exploitative ads are acceptable most of us would not even take a second glance if one was found in a magazine or newspaper.This is when these advertisements become dangerous, argues Kilbourne. She doesn't believe that these advertisements cause crimes against women, but when these crime arise these ads somewhat justify certain actions because of their omnipresence in society. I agree with Kilbourne, these advertisements do portray a world where crimes against women are acceptable, which in result, make people believe there is some sort of justification of these crimes when they are brought up. These exploitative ads need to be curbed in hopes to â€Å"thaw out† societ y’s opinions and tolerance for crimes against women.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Act and Rule Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Act and Rule Utilitarianism - Essay Example Act utilitarianism focuses on the specific act that will bring that good in the end. However, according to the rule utilitarian, this is improbable or even impossible. This begs the question: How does one determine if an act will produce a specific good This is where rule utilitarianism comes into the picture. One first determines what are the rules that if generally followed will produce the best results. The rule utilitarian does not focus on finding the specific act that will produce the best results since any act in accordance to that rule will produce a good.Thus, rule utilitarianism is more acceptable. An act in accordance with rule utilitarianism may or may not appeal to the act utilitarian, but this is better than trying in vain to find out what is that specific act the act utilitarian will accept.Whichever form one may choose, both cannot escape the criticisms against utilitarianism that one may lie, steal, or kill just to enact that which is good. In other words, the end ju stifies the means.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Developing nations' (Brazil) specific challenges and triumphs in the Research Paper

Developing nations' (Brazil) specific challenges and triumphs in the face of rapid economic change and growth - Research Paper Example This paper focuses on Brazil, one of the developing countries, that is growing at a rapid speed and is intensely getting affected by globalization (Schirm, n. d.). Globalization and Economic Expansion: After globalization Brazil is undergoing many of the economic changes. Its net amount of business with the rest of the world has increased significantly after globalization. The country is now experiencing large volume of flows of economic resources (form human capital to natural and physical capital). The volume of trade is significantly increasing overtime (Schirm, n.d.). The close association of economic expansion and globalization is also true in case of Brazil. Due to economic expansion (the effect), after globalization (the cause), Brazil’s economy is experiencing much higher level output as well as much higher rate of growth. Since the level of trade is one of the most important measurements of judging whether an economy is expanding, it can easily be said that over the l ast twenty years Brazil is going through the take-stage. These economic factors are affecting the country’s social and cultural aspects also (Tucker, 2008, p. 408). Both these aspects together are creating rapid economic growth throughout the world and these are significantly affecting the world economies. ... After following a method of import substitution and separation or a considerable period of time Brazil entered the global scenario. Fernando Collor was the first voted president of Brazil in 1960 to initiate an impression of stabilizing currency, lower tariffs and destabilize the public administration via budget cuts. This marked the beginning for Brazil of opening up into the world economy (Fishlow, 2000). Globalization and Brazil: Due to the occurrence of globalization the developing nations, such as Brazil, are experiencing rapid changes in their economic, social and general lives. Brazil’s economy has largely been changed after globalization. Its economy is now hugely dependent upon the world economy. Brazil’s overall income level or GDP is much higher now. This economy is much more open. This openness ensures the high income level. Not only that, the rate of growth of Brazil’s economy is much higher now. The economy is experiencing every bit of the progress of the global economy. The level of trading, i.e. the volume of exports and imports are growing in number. The infrastructural improvements are considered as one of the measurements of impact of globalization, then it can easily be said that this impact has been very positive on Brazil’s economic structure. It is quite clear that like all other developing nations Brazil has properly used the benefits of globalization. It is now a globally recognized economy in terms of the ranges of exports and imports and also in terms of the level of income and the rate of growth of income (Globalization and Emerging Economies, 2009). Economic expansion and Brazil: The financial system of Brazil is budding fast. After liberalization of the economy, it is experiencing significant growth path in terms of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sexuality among Individuals with Disability Research Paper

Sexuality among Individuals with Disability - Research Paper Example It is important to note that the lives of individuals with intellectual disability occur within various social systems that interact, including peer systems, work systems, family systems, school systems, legal systems, and community systems. Thus, it is vital to understand the mores and norms that may influence sexual identity development of such individuals through providing them with or mitigating opportunities for such development. According to Dukes and McGuire (2009), the attitudes that the surrounding individuals may have in relation to the sexual expression of individuals with intellectual disability is a measure of inclusiveness and openness of the community to such individuals(McGuire, Daly, & Smyth, 2007). As such, communities that are more inclusive will tend to have a more positive attitude towards such expression of the intellectually disabled as they are allowing them the same platform of judgment as the rest of the members of the society. It is clear from research that most caregivers are still overshadowed with attitudes when dealing with the sexual expression of the intellectually disabled individuals. Case in point, in the explorative study conducted by Isler, Beytut, Tas and Conk (2009), in which the concerns, opinions, knowledge and attitudes of parents of children having intellectual disabilities, it was clear that such parents have great concern regarding their children’s sexuality. It is important to note that most young people and children are shaped by the beliefs.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Asset Forfeiture as a Tool in Combating Terrorist Financing Essay

Asset Forfeiture as a Tool in Combating Terrorist Financing - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that asset forfeiture can be employed as a tool against terrorist financing to control this crime. â€Å"Asset forfeiture laws allow for the seizure (and eventual forfeiture) of property connected with criminal activity†. In addition, Worrall informs, â€Å"forfeiture extends beyond criminal proceeds to include property that is used to facilitate or carry out criminal activity. Such forfeitures can include property that â€Å"is used or intended to be used in any manner or part to commit or facilitate the commission of a violation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Therefore, asset forfeiture is a confiscation of the assets that are part of a criminal activity and among such criminal activities, terrorism is of superior quality as it affects a wide number of people nationally as well as internationally. The law enforcement agencies working in the USA are of the opinion that asset forfeiture is a fruitful way to combat against terrorist financing. Eric Green informs that money laundering and terrorist financing are such criminal activities that can be controlled by means of asset forfeiture, as â€Å"the criminal proceeds† will be taken away from â€Å"the criminals†. The illegal forces are somewhat dejected to stop their unlawful activities and the proceeds can be utilized for building purposes. According to Green, â€Å"Asset sharing enhances international forfeiture cooperation by creating an incentive for countries to work together, regardless of where the assets are located or which jurisdiction will ultimately enforce the forfeiture order.†Ã¢â‚¬  Therefore, asset forfeiture to control terrorist financing can be used for increasing cooperation between countries and this cooperation is also for combating against terrorism financing internationally. Asset forfeiture is also categorized by some critics as an effort to rob people of their rights under jurisdiction. They claim that government tries to snatch away people’s property making them liable for any criminal activity whether they are indulged in it or not (Levy, 1996). There should be proper lawful activity and the accuser should be facilitated with a right to fight for his right. Otherwise, law enforcement officials consider it their right to confiscate any one from his assets accusing him of involving in any kind of crime (Levy, 1996). To combat terrorist financing, the government of USA has taken enough measures out of which, categorization of suspicious activities is one. Incoherent account transactions, high amount of inward bound and outward account transactions without any specified purpose or reason, transference of large amounts of money from one bank account to another on the name of charities with no particular need and so on. All the mentioned activities point towards suspicious activities and come under suspicion in terms of terrorist financing and require a check from law enforcement agencies. If the people using account for any suspicious activity are caught and there are proofs for terrorist financing, then asset forfeiture or confiscation is taken as a crucial step by law enforcement authorities with prior permission from government bodies (Rush & Hackett, 2004). Credit card fraud, smuggling, welfare fraud, trading, money laundering methods for funds transfers and much more are employed by terrorists on international basis for transferring and using money for terrorist activities (Levy, 1996). According to The Economist (2005), â€Å"Many experts, both in government and the private sector, admit that the chances of detecting terrorists' funds in a bank sufficiently far in advance of a planned attack that it can be prevented are incredibly small.† Because of minimized chances to stop such activities and financial transactions, the government and law enforcement agencies carry a higher responsibility to find solutions to handle international

Thursday, July 25, 2019

1932, A true history of the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

1932, A true history of the United States - Essay Example Lincoln had envisioned a society where slavery would not be there. During Lincoln rule, his visionary of seeing many states free of British rule was seen to pass (Aljosa). The British did not like the idea of American Independence as it caused a number of uprisings against them, and so waged a personal war on the countries which had adopted the United States doctrine. The British also plotted for Abraham Lincoln’s assassination in an attempt to stop his rule and some of his principles that were corrupting countries to rebel against the British. In the coming of President William McKinley, a key individual who continued some of the philosophies of Lincoln was also another target for the British. President William McKinley was in fact assassinated by the British, and President Teddy Roosevelt took over (Aljosa). Teddy Roosevelt was a pro-British person due to his links with some of British Key allies. Many wars were fought so as to reclaim to reclaim the British Empire to its states that is the World War 1. British wanted to show that it is still superior to the United States. In conclusion, the given documentary provides a good account about the American history

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Theoretical Matrix of Organizational Change Research Paper

Theoretical Matrix of Organizational Change - Research Paper Example However, it should be noted that the contribution of these people is vital for effective change to take place. The fourth category is late majority, which mainly involves individuals who are interested in the results brought about by change before they can devote themselves to the change. The fifth one is laggards, which is composed of individuals who might disagree with efforts aimed at bringing change. In addition, they may also not be effective during the initial as well as the late change phases (Bate, Mendel and Robert, 2008). Kotter’s Theory According to Kotters' theory, change is made of emotional and situational components. Moreover, he developed a model of eight steps where through it change can be managed. These include the development of urgency, creation of a team to guide others, creation of vision, buying communication, enabling actions, creation of short-term advantages, not giving up and making the change stick. In addition, Kotter organizes every step into thr ee similar phases. The initial phase, which is the creation of climate that enables change, entails the first, second and third step. The next phase is engaging and enabling the entire organization; moreover, it entails step four, five and six while the last phase involves implementing and sustaining change; additionally, it encompasses the seventh and eighth steps. This theory involves gradual change that eventually becomes permanent, during the period of implementation; thus, an organization can enjoy various changes that are taking place. Therefore, when the change is complete it is anchored into an organization’s policies, and it becomes permanent. This theory mostly involves the person who comes up with the idea to make changes since it is his or her responsibility to see it successful. In addition, Kotter’s change theory is relevant in healthcare since it is capable of enhancing patient safety. Moreover, the theory offers opportunities for innovations capable of improving the safety of patients within the healthcare (Kotter, 2007). Lippitt’s Theory Lippitt came up with the seven-step theory, which lays much emphasis on the key roles, as well as responsibilities of change agent; however, there is a continuous exchange of information all through the process. Moreover, it commences with diagnosis of the problem whereby the problem is detected, and raises the organizations’ concern. After the diagnosis, the motivation and capability for change is assessed. Therefore, assessment of resources as well as motivation of the agent of change is the step that follows. The next step entails choosing change objects that are progressive; however, there is also the development of action plans and establishment of strategies. Change agent’s role ought to be selected and understood clearly by every party in order to ensure that clear expectations are made; therefore, maintaining change then follows. Effective communications, as well as c oordination of groups, are vital components in this phase. Finally, change agent ought to pull steadily out from their major roles with time. Therefore, this can take place when change has become part of the culture of the organization (Petersen & Pedersen n.d). However, after the change has been implemented it should be included in an organization’s rules and policies to make it part of the company. The Theories Application Lippit’

The impact of new technology on family and work Research Paper

The impact of new technology on family and work - Research Paper Example Technology forms a crucial part of our life since it constitutes the fuel that propels our lives. It is an integral part of human life because it benefits the society by promoting comfort both at work and in families (Freeland 1). Moreover, technology has greatly reduced and saved human effort as well as time spent in doing daily activities. In US, 88% of the American adult population posses a cell phone, 58% own a desktop, 61% posses a laptop, 18% own a tablet computer while 18% posses an e - book reader (Brenner 1). Therefore, technology has improved human life and increased standard of living. This, to some extent has reduced misery and stresses of life. However, since all things on earth have both advantages and disadvantages, technology has greatly affected human life a negative way (Freeland 3). It has been both a miracle and a burden all together. Some of the problems that human beings face are due to the inventions of technology. Human beings face these problems both at work and in the family set up and this contributes to misery. Thus, technology has had both positive and negative impacts on family and work. Positive impacts of technology on family and work Increased connectivity and accessibility In the current world, several technologies are not only wants but also form a necessity of life. Computer technologies have been widely accepted and used in the entire world. Man uses computer technological functions such as SNS, online face – face communications in video chatting, mailing among others. The use of computers and smart phones for internet surfing has eased information accessibility since workers and family members can browse on anything they want from the internet. (Goyder 21). Such information might be vital for workers performance and for the well-being of family members. Moreover, since most workers and family members join social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook Skype among others, they use computers and smart phones to access such services. The social networking services provide opportunities for people to access information, share, and offer their opinions concerning a given issue that might affect their lives (Hjorth 50). Due to such opportuniti es, both workers and family members have increased connectivity with fellow workers and other members of family. This is because the social networking sites connect friends, colleagues at work and other family members thus, enabling communication and information sharing. Moreover, both internet surfing and social networking sites help workers and family members by making them updated with current events, thereby getting information at the right time (Hjorth 55). This ensures that they can use such information to plan on activities, which can improve their living standards. For instance, workers can access job vacancies from the internet while students can access information pertaining to disciplines or subjects they want to pursue or they currently undertake. Consequently, the introduction of TVs and the internet has increased accessibility of workers and family members to information. People can watch movies through You Tube, watch news on their televisions, as well as read news po sted online from media houses (Lytras & Isabel 112). Moreover, people are exposed to happenings and thus, remain ever informed. This leads to improved living standards and ensures their well-being. Ease of data management as well retrieval The invention and use of computer both at work has greatly improved data storage, organization, management, and retrieval (Winston & Ralph 15). This is because computers have the capacity to process large amounts of data within a short time. Moreover, it can retrieve the same data whenever required, and in the most convenient way possible. This enhances efficiency as well as productivity since little time is used in doing a given activity. Increased innovation and invention The introduction of computers has greatly increased innovatio

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Recycling paper Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Recycling paper - Lab Report Example Recycling paper It is estimated that recycling one ton of paper saves up to seventeen trees, seven thousand 26500 liters of water, 1400 liters of oil, 3.3 cubic yards of landfill and 4, 000 kilowatts of energy, and reduce green gas emissions by one ton of carbon equivalent. Paper as is known today was first made 2200 years ago in China by an official of the Chinese dynasty; he was known as Ts’ai Lun at Lei Yang. The paper looks at the three most significant usage and benefits of recycling paper. These include: †¢ Recycling leads to the conservation of natural resources as less tress need to be cut to make new paper, which in effect reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emitted to the environment †¢ Recycling also saves energy and water that could have been used during the manufacturing process of paper from virgin trees, below is a research study conducted in the UK, cementing this point †¢ Recycling frees these landfill areas to allow space for other types of trash that cannot be easily recycled. It is also important that such landfills are freed as the cost of land is today at a premium The report therefore seeks to review key developments in paper recycling over the last few decades which saw initiatives aimed at bettering recycling processes, innovations and education play a vital role in increasing recycling rates, the efficacy of certain processes and a surge in more defined corporate social responsibility. The paper looks at the three most significant usage and benefits of recycling paper. These include: Recycling leads to the conservation of natural resources as less tress need to be cut to make new paper, which in effect reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emitted to the environment Recycling also saves energy and water that could have been used during the manufacturing process of paper from virgin trees, below is a research study conducted in the UK, cementing this point Recycling frees these landfill areas to allow space for other types of trash that cannot be easily recycled. It is also important that such landfills are freed as the cost of land is toda y at a premium Introduction It is estimated that recycling one ton of paper saves up to seventeen trees, seven thousand 26500 liters of water, 1400 liters of oil, 3.3 cubic yards of landfill and 4, 000 kilowatts of energy, and reduce green gas emissions by one ton of carbon equivalent. Paper as is known today was first made 2200 years ago in China by an official of the Chinese dynasty; he was known as Ts’ai Lun at Lei Yang (Roth and George, 2000).   However, before Egyptians, Greeks and the Romans used Papyrus weed as a writing materials. This first piece of paper that was made by the Chinese official was rudimentary, rough, and very heavy, despite this shortcomings, this piece of craftsmanship was the stepping stone for production of paper that were much light, and very white. The use of paper cannot be taken lightly; it has immense significant contribution to human civilization and the growth of knowledge. In modern times paper finds use in a variety of uses, paper is use d as packaging materials in most industries, used in making tissue for usage in washrooms, used in production of newspapers for dissemination of information to the public. Moreover, papers are also used in the production of billions of textbooks and exercise books for billions of school going children and higher education purposes. The multiple uses of paper in different sectors human live and particularly the need to increase knowledge continually coupled with the benefit of environmental conservation necessitated recycling of papers. A German immigrant who had gained sufficient knowledge in papermaking first did this human desire in the United States in 1690; he made paper from left cotton wool and wood fiber. The processes The process of recycling paper passes through two important steps, the first is the collection stage, and the second most important stage after collection of paper waste is the processing stage. These two stages have various other sub processes, and they will b e discussed in these subsequent paragraphs. Collection This is the first step in the process of paper recycling, this is the most important and needs contribution from the users of paper, in this process bins containing waste paper should be strategically located in such that a way that users easily identify the bin and deposit waste papers in that bin. Figure 1 Bins that

Monday, July 22, 2019

Modelling a Database for a Garment Manufacturing Company Essay Example for Free

Modelling a Database for a Garment Manufacturing Company Essay This project will contain information on the processing involved in modelling a database for a Garment Manufacturing company. It will also document how to create letter and fax templates that make the work more efficient. The database will hold details about the suppliers, customers and stock etc. The garment style, size, how many ordered and deadline dates for the garments to be finished will also be data which is stored in the table. The end-user Mr Jordan will be able to recall information on any of his suppliers or customers. He will be able to link what the customer orders to what he has to order from his suppliers or if the customers provides their own supplies he will see the amount needed. Mr Jordan will be able to send letters automatically to his customers and suppliers about work and orders. The database will be developed using Microsoft Access, the supplier and customer letters will be created in Microsoft Word and merged with data from Microsoft Access. Background to Organisation The Garment Manufacturing Company is called Air Ltd, it is located in Stratford and is owned by Mr Jordan. There are nine workers, which Mr Jordan is in charge of. He takes care of every aspect of the business himself apart from parts of the accounts. All of the other nine workers are arrange in a production line around the work place. Mr Jordan deals with the customer enquiries, orders and suppliers etc. At the moment letters are created from scratch in Microsoft Word. Information Technology is not used much as it could be at the present time. Current procedures Customers get into contact with the company and talk about their order and the type of work required to meet their needs. This would include the design styles, materials and number of garments etc. Either the customer provide their own materials or they set out their order to Mr Jordan so he can go to his supplier. The company then makes a sample garment which is shown to the customer if they are pleased with it then production starts, if not then amendments are made. At the moment if letters need to be sent out to customers or suppliers they are created individually instead of making a template and using mail-merge. From customer orders Mr Jordan notes down how many garments to be made, style of garment and size on paper, all of this documentation is kept in a folder. Image of Mr Jordans customers order detail sheet. [image002.jpg] The customer detail sheet is in tabular form where records are filled in about each of the individual garments. For example data such as size, colour and style etc. would be held on the sheet. Mr Jordan takes care of all of these sheets in a folder. When they are out dated and are no, longer of any use they are disposed of. Strengths of the current system The strengths of the following system are: All of the workers are used to the current system this means that nobody has to be trained to use any new equipment. For example none of the workers have to be trained on how to use computers. Most work is carried out by hand , this is a strength because if machines were used and any one of them broke down the production of the garments would have to be stopped. Weaknesses of the current system The weaknesses of the current system are: All documentation is carried out on paper. All letter to customers are created individually. The business does not use e-mail to communicate with its customers or suppliers. The business does not have a web site advertising its service and goods. If vital business documents are lost, there is no backup. There is no form of a factory outlet. Objectives for the new system Store details about the customers permanently. Store details about the suppliers permanently. Easily be able to input data concerning the ordering of materials. For example, style, material, size, colour etc. Be able to print out order details for the worker to use. Check his status with the suppliers. For example, material ordered etc. Send out letters to customers using mail merge for better efficiency. Print out an update of all deadlines to be met. End-user and functional requirements Store details about the customers permanently The database will need to store details of the name of the company, its address and the telephone number. The user will sometimes want to display details of all the customers. It will be useful if the customer company names are in alphabetical order. The user might want to send the customers letters which means that the postcode will have to be stored in a separate field. Store details about the suppliers permanently The database will store details about the suppliers. For example the user will sometimes want to list the names in alphabetical order this means that the first name will have to be stored in a separate field to the middle and last name. If the user wants to send the customers letters to inform them about orders etc he will need to store the post code part of the address in a different field. Store details about the suppliers permanently The database will store details about the suppliers name and address. The suppliers table will be similar to the customer table. But the user will send letters to the suppliers concerning the orderinf of raw materials etc. Easily be able to input data concerning the ordering of materials. For example, style, material, size, colour etc. The user will easily be able to in put the data u sing Microsoft access instead of inputting the data on paper using a hand made table where he could be creating a more efficient table using access. Be able to print out order details for the worker to use. The user will be able to print out details of the customers orders. For example, the number of garments, style, material etc. Check his status with the suppliers. For example, material ordered etc. The user should be able to access details about what he has ordered and what there is to pay at the touch of button Send out letters to customers using mail merge for better efficiency. The user will be able to send out letters to the customers and suppliers quickly and efficiently using mail merge with Microsoft Access and Microsoft Word Print out an update of all deadlines to be met. The user will be able to print out a list of all deadlines to be met of all of the customers so the workers can work efficiently. Working Constraints End-user skill level The end-user(s) have used modern computers before based upon Windows 95. The user has used a modern computer to create letters and do calculations on Microsoft Excel. The user can only do simple calculations and nothing too complicated. The user can create letters for suppliers and customers by using a word processor. Mr Jordan is new to Microsoft Word but is getting the hang of it. He does not know much about the advanced features of the software. Mr Jordan will need some form of support in using the advanced features. Mr Jordan can use any simple software, but will have to apply himself slightly to be able to get the hang of the advanced features. His experience with IT is very limited. The new system must be easy to understand so that the vital functions can be successfully carried out. No errors should occur, everything should be clear. Availability of hardware and software The previous software that Mr Jordan was using is called Lotus Word Pro96 but has recently purchased a new PC with Microsoft Office 2000 on it. This new computer is manufactured by Compaq and has the following specification: 900Mhz processor 64Mb RAM 13Gigabytes HDD 17 inch VDU Cannon Bubble Jet printer BJC4200 Microsoft Office 2000 Mr Jordan has an ideal specification if not too good for the functional requirements. The software in the school will easily correspond with Mr Jordans PC since in school Microsoft Office 97 is available. Time constraints The deadline for the project is to be completed for the 30^th March. This gives approximately nine weeks for development, testing and documentation. Documentation will take up a great deal of the time this means that time will be a major constraint upon the completed system. Initial time plan Consideration of solutions Data such as company names and addresss will need to be stored along with ordering details etc. this means that a database must be used. A word processor will also be needed because letters have to be created for the customers. Mail merge could be used. There are two choices for the type of database: relational or Flat-file. Flat-file A Flat-file database will not be suitable because it would mean that all of the field would have to be stored in one table. For example, supplier, customer and order fields will all be in the same table. This would then lead to there being data in the table that is not needed. For example, each time a customer made an order their name and address will have to be recorder in that record. If this type were to be used then it would take up a lot of space and hold useless data. It would also make it hard to search in the basic ways that you do. It will be hard to develop it so that the end-user will be able searc h for a certain supplier or customer without all of the other irrelevant details coming up. It would also make it increasingly difficult to use the mail merge facility. Concluding this we now know that a spreadsheet is not suitable for our purpose because it is just like a Flat-file if not nearly enough the same thing. Relational database This form of storage is much more flexible than Flat-file because it allows the data to be split up into separate tables. This is more efficient because each table contains information about a single entity. Now that information is in its individual tables, data redundancy is avoided. By linking all of the tables the whole structure will be able to be searched in a variety of ways. There are a great amount of relational database options in the market but the two main ones are Microsoft Access and Lotus Approach. These are both very suitable choices. Out of the two I will use Microsoft Access because it is more common compared with Lotus Approach and also because I am more familiar with the Microsoft environment. Overall I feel that Microsoft Access is easier to understand the instructions are clearer which makes it easier to follow. The terminology used in Access is better than that used in Lotus Approach. The form will be used to enter record of orders, suppliers and customers etc. This will make the business more organised and thus more efficient. The queries will be used to see who is ordering what and how much is owed to suppliers or owed by customers. To produce the templates for the letter I have chosen Microsoft word because it can easily be linked to Microsoft Access. It will also enable the letter to look professional as you can set any of your own preferences. For example, margin width, header and footer etc. Functions in Microsoft word such as MacroButtons, Date fields can make the end-user develop the letter template for his suitability. Other functions like AutoCorrect and AutoText will give the user an option for creating many types of customised letters for different kinds clients. My other options for word processors were Lotus WordPro, WordPad, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Paint and Word Perfe ct. These were not as suitable as Microsoft Word because some of them do not allow me carry out the advanced features that I wish to and also because most of them will not be able to link with Microsoft Access.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Preventing Delinquency and Recidivism

Preventing Delinquency and Recidivism Demetrius Deaver In chapter twelve the book talks about preventing juvenile crime. Society has to remember that youths are going through an adolescence stage. So kids cognitive skills are not fully development and they might act without thinking. Its important that society try to help reduce juvenile crime and try to have interventions so there wont be a high recidivism rate. Recidivism is a repeated offender or going back to jail. Theres a lot factors for high recidivism rate. Studies has shown that the higher the at-risk environment, the more likely someone will recidivate (Measuring Recidivism 2008). Prevention is the creation of conditions, opportunities and experiences that encourage and develop healthy, self-sufficient children and that occur before the onset of problems (Arizona State Senate 2002). Prevention, efforts that help prevent a youth from entering the juvenile justice system as a delinquent (Florida Department of Juvenile Justice 2008). There is two ways to classify prevention efforts. The two ways are prevention versus control and the three levels of delinquency prevention. Prevention is before the delinquent act and control is the measure thats taken after delinquent behavior. Theres three kinds of prevention, corrective prevention, punitive prevention and Mechanical prevention. Corrective prevention goal is to eliminate the conditions that causes criminal behavior. Punitive prevention goal is to use punishment. Mechanical prevention goal is to tighten security. The three levels of delinquency are primary prevention, secondary prevention and Tertiary prevention. Primary prevention goal is to change society and the conditions that leads to criminal activity. Secondary prevention goal is to have interventions with individuals to deter them from crime. Tertiary prevention goal is to prevent recidivism. Researchers has found out that anticrime programs dont work. Criminologist Lawrence W. Sherman and others review more than 500 scientific evaluations of crime-prevention programs funded by the Justice Department, with a special focus on factors relating to juvenile crime and program effects on youth violence, and concluded that the following programs dont work (Sherman et al. 1998, 7). Programs such as gun buyback programs, boot camps, scared straight, Dare programs, Drug prevention and many more. Even though some of these programs dont work, it strengthens kids relationships with family and school. The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) is blueprints to find effective violence prevention programs to help communities implicate them. Out of 900 programs about 11 programs has shown results of reducing juvenile behavior, aggression, substance abuse and other behaviors. The Midwest Prevention Project (MPP) is a community based program for adolescent drug abuse prevention that targets ages 10 to 12. The goal is to reduce the use of gateway drugs. Big Brothers Big Sister of America (BBBS) is a mentor program. Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a family intervention program for youths ages 11 to 18. The goal is to reduce bad behavior. Life Skills Training (LST) is an in class program prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse. The goal of the program is to prevent early uses of substances.ÂÂ   Multisystemic Therapy (MST) evaluate kids who has antisocial disorders. The reduced of gun violence has put stricter restrictions on guns and also put officers in area s where gun crime happens. Gang prevention will have a major impact on reducing crime. Anti-gang programs like behavior codes, graffiti removal, conflict prevention strategies, crisis management and community involvement. The book discusses many more prevention programs that help reduce crime. References Arizona State Senate. 2002. Arizona Statute 8-201. Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. 2008. Florida Statute CH 985.03. Measuring Recidivism. 2008 (February 20). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice. Sherman, Lawrence W., Denise C. Gottfredson, Doris L. Mackenzie, John Eck, Peter Reuter, and Shawn D. Bushway. 1998 (July). Preventing crime: What Works, What Doesnt, Whats Promising. Washington, DC: U.S Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice Research in Brief. (NCJ 171676).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stock Options With Fixed Exercise Prices

Stock Options With Fixed Exercise Prices Table of Contents (Jump to) 1 Introduction 2 Fixed Price Options versus Indexed Options 3 Case for Indexed Options 3.1 Compensation for Relative rather than Absolute Performance 3.2 Protection of Managers during Market Downswings 3.3 Reduced Expected Costs 4 Case against Indexed Options 4.1 Unpredictability 4.2 Difficulty in Controlling Compensations 4.3 Larger Deadweight Costs. 4.4 Tax Treatment 4.5 Reluctance of Managers 5 Reasons for Choosing Alternatives of Indexed Options 5.1 Requirements of Firms 5.2 Sensitivity of Payoff 6 Empirical Evidence 7 Conclusion 8 References 1 Introduction The principal-agent problem has long been a matter of discussion within organisational institutions. As a matter of fact, the owners of a limited company normally elect a Board of Directors to control the business’s resources on their behalf. However, conflict arises among these managers and shareholders due to their different objectives. As owners, shareholders would want to maximise profits while managers may want to maximise sales, build empire buildings and enjoy perks. To align the interests of both stakeholders therefore, compensation of managers should be linked with the firm’s performance. One way to do this is the introduction of options: fixed price options and indexed options. Basically, an option is a financial derivative representing a contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price on or before a certain date. An option, just like a stock or bond, is a security. Fixed price options and indexed options differ significantly from each other. For the purpose of this assignment, we will discuss how indexed options provide a better case compared to fixed price options. 2 Fixed Price Options versus Indexed Options Fixed price options whose exercise price is already agreed upon and will remain the same until expiration date. The option exercise price is usually set equal to the stock price at grant. When an executive is given a fixed price option as a means compensation, two situations can arise. If the share price rises above the exercise price, the executive gains. On the other hand, the executive receive absolutely nothing if there is a decrease in share price In contrast, an indexed option is a stock option whose exercise price is connected to a benchmark index, which may be a specific sector index or a broad market index. Indexed price options have unknown selling price when contract is being made, and the final price of the option depends on market status on the expiration date. A change in the absolute value of the share will have no effect unless thecompanyoutperformssomestatedindex suchastheSP500 or a group of peers. Then only, the optionwillbeexercised. 3 Case for Indexed Options 3.1 Compensation for Relative rather than Absolute Performance Fixed price options reward performance in absolute terms. If the share price increases, the executives are rewarded in spite of rising market trends being unconnected to managers’ performance. Executives are still rewarded if competitors’ or the market have performed better. Similarly, when the share price falls, no rewards are given even if the firm did better than its peers. On the other hand indexed options reward relative rather than absolute performance. Hence, executives do not enjoy windfall gains by luck in rising markets, but by their performance instead. Only if the company performs better than the market or its peers that the executives can cash in. The executives have therefore further incentives to deliver good performance. The example below gives a better idea of how indexed options actually reward relative performance. XYZ ltd.’s equity stock is currently selling for $100 per share when the market (benchmark) index is at a level of 1000. XYZ limited grants an option to its CEO which enables him to purchase an option consisting of 100000 shares at an exercise price of $100, but the same will move in line with the market in future. Taking a specific case, the CEO is given indexed options. The value of the option granted to the CEO under 4 various scenarios is shown in the table below. Value of Indexed Option under Indexed Options SHAREPRICE INDEX Rises Falls Outperforms the index Index: 1150 (by 15%) Exercise price: $115 (by 15%) Stock price: $120 (by 20%) Value of option: $500,000 Index:850 Exercise price: $85 (by 15%) Stock price: $90 (by 10%) Value of option: $500,000 Underperforms the index Index: 1150 (by 15%) Exercise price: $115 (by 15%) Stock price: $110 (by 10%) Value of option: $0 Index: 850 (by 15%) Exercise price: $85 (by 15%) Stock price: $80 (by 20%) Value of option: $0 Table 1 From Table1, indexed options only reward the CEO when the companies’ stock outperforms the market, even if indexes have increased or decreased. They have a fair way of rewarding CEOs; they do not reward under-performingexecutives nor do they penalize superior performers whenever the market index has increased or decreased in respective cases. This is a convenient way of keeping CEOs motivated and thus encourage them perform well in their duties of decision making for a company’s investment. In general, indexed options reward superior performance under all market conditions. However, if the same example is taken in the case of fixed price option, and that there is a 5% change in the share price, the scenarios will differ as follows: Value of Option under Fixed Price Options SHAREPRICE RISES Exercise price: $100 Share price: $105 (by 5%) Value of option : $500,000 EXERCISE OPTION FALLS Exercise price: $100 Share price: $95 (by 5%) Value of option: $0 NOT EXERCISE OPTION Table 2 As shown in Table 2, when the share price increases from $100 to $105, the option is exercised to the benefit of the manager. The latter receives a compensation of $ 500,000. In the reverse case, when the share price falls to $95, the shareholders gets no compensation. 3.2 Protection of Managers during Market Downswings In the case of fixed price options, executives are not rewarded when the market is declining because share prices are below the exercise price. However, indexed options can well reward managers in bearish markets as long as the decline in the company’s stock price is less steep than that of his peers. Indexed options reward better performers. 3.3 Reduced Expected Costs Traditional options plans reward employees as long as the share price is higher than the grant price. However, indexed options eliminates the possibility that managers can be compensated for share price movements that are unrelated to what they might have done. Thus it helps a firm to remove or lower undeserved compensations. A study by J. Angel and D. McCabe values that the expense of providing conventional options to executives at the 100 largest NYSE-listed companies is 41 percent more than the expense of providing options that take out market outcomes. The lower expected costs against future earnings of indexed options compared to fixed priced options can only be to the advantage of companies. 4 Case against Indexed Options The advantages of indexed options over fixed price options are flagrant in light of the above. However, the application of indexed options is still rare. They lag behind fixed price options in many ways. 4.1 Unpredictability Unlike indexed options, fixed price options brings predictability and certainty to a transaction due to the fixed exercise price. Through the characteristic of ‘all or nothing’, the manager will exercise, and therefore make money, if and only if the firm’s stock price is above the exercise price. 4.2 Difficulty in Controlling Compensations Budgeting and forecasting business costs are made easier using fixed value plans. They allow for firms to plan and control how much compensation to offer to employees. Retention risk, in particular concerning non- executive staff members, can be largely minimised when compensations are close to that offered by rival companies. Indexed options, on the other hand, can cause large discrepancies in compensations and the loss of key employees. 4.3 Larger Deadweight Costs An indexed option plan has a greater deadweight loss compared to a traditional option plan. This is because, with agency problems, where the interests of owners and managers do not always line up, there is the need to expose the managers to firm-specific risk to encourage a specific type of behaviour. However, this means that they are unable to diversify their portfolios to their full potential, exposing them to both systematic and unsystematic risks while compensating them only for the systematic portion of risk. Consequently, managers will always value their equity-based compensation at less than its market value. 4.4 Tax Treatment So as to obtain favourable tax treatments, a company can grant incentive stock options. However, according to the 1994 US Code, this entails that the option price should be less than the fair market value of the stock at the time such an option is granted. In this case, it implies that the option price be fixed on the grant date. 4.5 Reluctance of Managers Managers are unwilling to accept a compensation plan based on relative performance. This is because in the case of fixed price options, when the stock market performs well, they reap high rewards for stock price performance unrelated to their own efforts. Managers are reluctant to forego the potentially huge rewards conferred by the bull market, especially when they estimate that a downturn is less likely to occur in the stock market. 5 Reasons for Choosing Alternatives of Indexed Options Besides, it should be noted that indexed options are not suitable in all cases. Some reasons are illustrated below and the corresponding alternatives are also suggested. 5.1 Requirements of Firms Compensation systems have the following functions: to compensate managers for completed work, to reduce principal-agent costs by more closely aligning managers interests with those of shareholders, and to retain the manager. Compensation that accomplishes one of these functions successfully may not carry out the other functions of a compensation system as effectively. Stock options, for instance, serve to align incentives. However, a firm where incentive alignment is not that important, would not be keen to use stock or stock options to compensate its managers. It would rather use cash compensation Cash avoids the deadweight costs that accompany any equity-based compensation plan. 5.2 Sensitivity of Payoff Indexed options do not work as expected in practice. Instead, their payoff tends to be highly sensitive to market price movements. As the market increases, the value of the variable-exercise-price option increases too. For example, Lisa Meulbroek of Harvard Business School shows that the estimated value of an option indexed to the SP 500 rises by 15% if that stock index rises by 15%. Clearly, indexing does not even achieve its aim; separating the general market movements from the movements in the value of the option. An alternative design that rewards managers only for performance and not for that is due to overall gains in the market or industry can be considered. Instead of using the firm’s stock as an underlying asset, an alternative design employs a performance benchmarked portfolio. Under this proposed structure, the value of the portfolio changes to reflect the firm’s performance, net of market and industry effects, while the exercise price remains fixed. (Meulbroek, 2001). 6 Empirical Evidence A brief empirical review will determine whether relative performance is compensated in practice. We also explore if indexed options are indeed better than fixed price options. According to Gibbons and Murphy (1990), chief executive officers are compensated upon relative performance. It was found that there is a positive and significant relationship between the remunerations of CEOs and the firm performance, but an inverse and significant one with the industry and market performance. On the contrary, Bertrand and Mullainathan (1999) report that CEOs are remunerated for market-wide and industry movements that they perceive as luck. However firms that are better managed reward their CEOs less for such market movements compared to other firms. Sloan (1993)’s also found that CEO compensation depends on earnings so as to help separate market movements from the reward. With regard to the effectiveness of indexed options, in their works titled â€Å"Indexing Executive Compensation Contracts† in 2013, Ingolf Dittmann, Ernst Maug and Oliver G. Spalt gave empirical evidence that indexed options provide incentives at a higher cost than conventional options. 7 Conclusion In light of the above, it is observed that stock options with fixed exercise prices do not properly link managers’ performance to compensation since they relate to absolute and not relative performance reward. Indexed options have higher incentive advantages over the fixed price option since it takes into account the skills of the executives. It is also highlighted that indexed options result in a lower compensation costs than equivalent fixed price options. Nevertheless, the drawbacks and suitability of indexed options should not be ignored either. As a result, a firm is well advised to properly weigh the costs and benefits of indexed options before applying them. 8 References Angel, J. and McCabe, D. (2002). Market-adjusted options for executive compensation. Global Business and Economics Review, 4(1), pp.123. Bebchuk, L. and Fried, J. (2004). Pay without Performance, The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation, Part III: The Decoupling of Pay from Performance. 1st ed. [ebook] Harvard University Press, p.24. Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2014]. Bertrand, Marianne, and Sendhil Mullainathan, (1999), Are CEOs Rewarded for Luck? A Test of Performance Filtering, (Princeton University, Mimeograph). Chandra, P. (2007). FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. 1st ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, pp.947- 949. Dittmann, I., Maug, E. and Spalt, O. (2013). Indexing executive compensation contracts. Review of Financial Studies, 26(12), pp.31823224. Gibbons, R. and Murphy, K. (1990). Relative performance evaluation for chief executive officers, Industrial and Labor Relations Review 43, 30-51 Meulbroek, L. (2000). Executive Compensation Using Relative-Performance-Based Options: Evaluating the Structure and Costs of Indexed Options. SSRN Journal, [online] 01-021. Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2014]. Mueller, D. (2012). The Oxford handbook of capitalism. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.386. Schnusenberg, O. and McDaniel, W. (2000). HOW TO VALUE INDEXED EXECUTIVE STOCK OPTIONS. Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions. Sloan, R. (1993). Accounting earnings and top executive compensation. Journal of accounting and Economics, 16(1), pp.55100. Stapledon, G. (2004). THE PAY FOR PERFORMANCE DILEMMA. 1st ed. [ebook] U of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper No. 83, p.6. Available at: .pdf [Accessed 25 Sep. 2014]. Symes, S. (2014). Advantages Disadvantages of a Fixed-Price Contract. [online] Small Business Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2014].

Feudalism in Men With Guns Essay -- Men With Guns Essays

Men With Guns contains in it many of the essential ingredients for a feudalist economy, some being more explicitly demonstrated than others, but important and evident all the same. In a feudalist society, distinction between private rights and public authority oftentimes disappeared and local control tended to become a personal matter. Feudal leaders often took over the responsibility for the economic security of "their" territories and dictated how resources were to be produced and used. There was also generally a contract of some sort between the workers and the bosses, such that the bosses could then more easily count on the "faithfulness" and obedience of the workers. Under a feudalist system, the bosses are able to exhibit hegemonic power over the workers as the workers have few options or choices. As this film demonstrates, workers can either work, starve, and or be killed. There are really no other good alternatives, and thus the bosses can extract all monopoly rent and continue to exercise feudal exploitation. This absence of "free choice" is one of the most essential ingredients in separating feudalism from other types of systems, such as capitalism. Another characteristic of feudalism is that those in charge often hired other individuals to enforce their established rules and to keep the workers under control (for example Knights). Many of the above stated characteristics are present in Men With Guns. However, it must be mentioned that Sayles chose to focus less on the actual production processes involved in feudalism (as he did in Matewan), and instead give the viewer a more in-depth sense of the conditions that push people into the feudalist system and how it can be perpetuated. Through the viewing of the... their conditions, as workers. Furthermore, unfortunately even with the formation of the union nothing is guaranteed. We see this in Matewan where the union was apparently unsuccessful in its mission. In Norma Rae we, as the viewers, can only hope that the established union would in the end prove to be successful. From all of this, therefore, we can assume that with nothing whatsoever in place, and thus the lack of information for the workers in Men With Guns, the workers would instead have to continue living a life without much choice under the feudalist system that was in place. Their choices being: starvation, being murdered, or living alone in the wilderness deprived of any of their traditional commodities, accustomed standard of living, or cherished culture. Unfortunately, many conditions presented in this film are still occurring and evident today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tay-Sachs :: science

Tay-Sachs The genetic disorder I have looked at in this scientific statement is Tay-Sachs disease or TSD, a serious, inherited fatal brain disorder. The disease is named after Warren Tay, a British ophthalmologist who first described the disease in 1881 and a New York neurologist, Bernard Sachs; who first described the cellular changes and the genetic nature of the disease in 1887. This rare hereditary disease is caused by a genetic mutation that leaves the body unable to produce an enzyme; a protein that speeds up the rate at which chemical reactions take place within the body. The enzyme is necessary for nerve cells to metabolise fat, (allow for chemical reactions to take place within the cell) . The enzyme involved in TSD is known as hexosaminidase A. its absence allows a lipid called GM2 ganglioside to build up in the brain, destroying the nerve cells. The location of the gene HEXA that causes the genetic disorder is 15q23-q24. Tay-Sachs is an autosomal recessive disorder. My research indicates that a person must have two carriers as parents for the disease to occur. Carriers, people with only one gene for the disorder are physically unaffected due to it being recessive. When both parents are carriers, each child has a 25% or  ¼ chance of obtaining the disease. If only one parent is a carrier, there is no chance that the child will get the disease, but there is a 50% chance that the child will be a carrier. My extensive research has concluded that the symptoms of the disease are: ï  ¶ Blindness ï  ¶ Dementia ï  ¶ Deafness ï  ¶ Seizures ï  ¶ Paralysis All these symptoms appear during the first six months of life following the case studies data. The disease progresses rapidly, usually killing affected children by age three. As the damage to the nervous system progresses, an inability to swallow, difficulty in breathing and mental retardation develop. In late-onset TSD, which occurs in people who have a genetic mutation (A permanent change in the DNA sequence due to an insertion, deletion or an alteration) that is similar to that of TSD that occurs in young children. Some production of the missing enzyme occurs and life expectancy does not seem to be affected according to my research. Medical treatment is focused mainly on managing the symptoms of late onset TSD, Anticonvulsants can be prescribed to patients with seizures and antidepressants can be used as to help with psychiatric symptoms.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ghana, the mixed capitalist Essay

Gold Coast, now Ghana had his independence in 1957 after a long struggle with our colonial masters, the British by Kwame Nkrumah and others who helped in diverse ways such as â€Å"the Big Six† and others. Colonized by the British, Ghana has gone through a lot of systems of governance; Monarchical, autocracy and now democracy. So is with economic systems which go with any form of governance system. Currently there are about four (4) economic systems in the world which are; socialist, capitalist, mixed economy (Socialist and Capitalist) and Islamic economic jurisprudence. The Economic Systems All these are economic systems and it is defines those who controls and owns the economic resources which forms the â€Å"means† in economics. Every economy is measured by the usage of its means and the nature of the â€Å"means† owners determines the kind of economic system the country runs. Socialist system of economy is a one that has its resources highly controlled by the central government. E. g. USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia etc), the Capitalist economy is that whose resources is highly owned and controlled by private individuals or a body other than the government. E. g. USA, UK, part of Europe etc. The Mixed economy is that which combines both the socialist and the capitalist economic systems to run the country’s economy. In that, the central government controls part of the economy whiles the other part is controlled by private participation. Functions of the Economic Systems There are multiple components to economic systems. Their interaction may be coherent or result in instability. Decision-making structures of an economy determine the use of economic inputs (the factors of production), distribution of output, the level of centralization in decision-making, and who makes these decisions. Decisions might be carried out by industrial councils, by a government agency, or by private owners. Every economic system represents an attempt to solve three fundamental and interdependent problems: What goods and services shall be produced and in what quantities? How shall goods and services be produced? That is, by whom and with what resources and technologies? For whom shall goods and services be produced? That is, who is to enjoy the benefits of the goods and services and how is the total product to be distributed among individuals and groups in the society. E. g. the current load management by the VRA and the ECG. Thus every economy is a system that allocates resources for exchange, production, distribution and consumption. The system is stabilized through a combination of threat and trust, which are the outcome of institutional arrangements. An economic system possesses the following institutions: Methods of control over the factors or means of production: this may include ownership of, or property rights to, the means of production and therefore may give rise to claims to the proceeds from production. The means of production may be owned privately, by the state, by those who use them or be held in common. A decision-making system: this determines who is eligible to make decisions over economic activities. Economic agents with decision-making powers can enter into binding contracts with one another. A coordination mechanism: this determines how information is obtained and used in decision-making. The two dominant forms of coordination are planning and markets; planning can be either de-centralized or centralized, and the two coordination mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and often co-exist. An incentive system: this induces and motivates economic agents to engage in productive activities. It can be based on either material reward (compensation or self-interest) or moral suasion (for instance, social prestige or through a democratic decision-making process that binds those involved). The incentive system may encourage specialization and the division of labour. Organizational form: there are two basic forms of organization: actors and regulators. Economic actors include households, work gangs and production teams, firms, joint-ventures and cartels. Economically regulative organizations are represented by the state and market authorities; the latter may private or public entities. A distribution system: this allocates the proceeds from productive activity, which is distributed as income among the economic organizations, individuals and groups within society, such as property owners, workers and non-workers, or the state (from taxes). A public choice mechanism for law-making, establishing rules, norms and standards and levying taxes. Usually this is the responsibility of the state but other means of collective decision-making are possible, such as workers’ councils. The Ghana’s Economy Ghana’s economy is purely a mixed type with the resources sharply divided between the public and private participation. The service sector is highly controlled by the government while the production sector is dominated by private and group participation. Decision making, which determines the direction of the economy and the type system, is done a lot of the times, through consultations with stakeholders of the economy. Example; when the power and water companies wanted to review utility tariffs to a certain percentage, there was a lot of consultations thereby; getting the rate we have now. Ghana, before the independence was purely capitalist. After independence, the then government focused on turning the economy into a communist/socialist system. They invested so much in agriculture which was the only sector controlled by the government and also reached out to industrialize the economy. Currently, Ghana is well-endowed with natural resources and agriculture accounts for roughly one-quarter of GDP and employs more than half of the workforce, mainly small landholders. The services sector accounts for 50% of GDP. Gold and cocoa production and individual remittances are major sources of foreign exchange. Oil production at Ghana’s offshore Jubilee field began in mid-December, 2010, and is expected to boost economic growth. Finally, I may agree with the statement but require more facts to completely justify its truth. Ghana is a mixed economy but capitalist oriented on the face assessment value of the various sectors. But can justify, if all percentages of public/private participation of the economic sectors are well defined. This will couple with the clear policy direction of the present governments which has state on record as being social democrats and has manifestoes seeking to provide a lot for the people.

Positive N Negative Western Influence Essay

Her strength. For most of the Indian public perception, occidental gloss is just a narrow down of Hesperian clothes, discos, parties and other(a) things that atomic number 18 strange to morality, simply in veracity horse opera kitchen-gardening totally embodies some other realm as opposed to the normal view. One shouldnt say it out mature that bikinis, jeans, pornography is all that westerly socialisation shooters us before having, at least, a brief study about the western culture that it rightfully deserves with dignity. Actually western culture is based on tenability and appreciate for the human tone. Even Indian culture has its evils. Did anyone even mentioned discrimination on club while mention splendor of Indian culture? Isnt that an integral problem of Indian Culture?And let us remind that such evils were preponderating in the order in the olden in the forms of brutal rituals desire sati, child marriage etc that were later abolished by the British. T he latter(prenominal) is a clear example of watch that western society gives to the human life, something that is clearly evident in the statistics of life forethought in some western countries. Although western culture also has its demerits but it doesnt makes sense just to make irony of it saying its polluting our culture.Culture is sure enough not disintegrateing. In India we call acceptation of western culture as decay of our own culture. merely whatever we are keep abreasting is totally for the convenience of the work we do. Lets calculate example of women police, she has to be active and unshakable in her work. Hence shirt-pant is the best unvarying which will prove convenient for her. Thus, culture can be best be as running water i.e. to adopt newer changes and continue its flow. If culture sticks to its place like stagnant water, its obvious that people will run a course from the decaying and offensive look pond. Thus, our culture is on a right path and its mod ernization should not be taken as its decay.Culture factor way of living, way of loving, way of treating, way of grooming, way of receiving, way of sharing, way of respect towards human values. fit to modern life style women are equal as men. Girls kids are considered as the boons.Gandhiji has rightly state that, keep the doors and windows of your house open to release the breeze to enter freely but take care that you will not fly away to that wind.According to the immense philosopher ALBERT TOYNBEAN IF THE WORLD CIVILIZATION WOULD need TO EXIST THEY WILL HAVE TO nip LIKE THE INDIAN WAY. replete(p) EFFECTS are that it has abolished inequality, sati system, dowry system, caste system etc from our society. It has introduced euality in the society because of which zip is treated as inferior and has introduced democracy,integrity etc in our society.BAD EFFECTS are that it has changed our dressing style, our food habits and also our young times no longer respect the ir elders.It has introduced turpitude in our society and many other bad things that haS destroyed our culture.Casteism, dowry, sati system which was preponderant in our society since historic times have now been removed upto great extent from modern day society due to influence of western culture. But neither of the things mentioned above was part of our culture. It was the disparage interpretation of our religious texts which paved for these evils. So, the culture which we were violating since historic times we became aware off due to influence of other culture.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Level 5 Leadership

Jim collins farms a associate of guideline for companies that are mediocre or chip in had mediocre performances who want to take on the leap to bonny a gigantic attach to. The instruction collins came up with these guidelines is by studying 11 great companies that were selected from a list of Forbes 500 companies and deemed great companies using a criteria created by collins research team. These 11 companies were than each compared to a companionship in the equivalent industry with interchangeable resources still who did non perform as sound as the great companies in the 15 category time span in which the companies were studied.Collins was able to create the flywheel concept out of his studies which is broken d deliver into 6 parts. The unitary that is the focus of this paper is the level 5 attractership. Through the study of the great companies and through similarity with other companies, one of the major factors of the success of those companies was the causawr ite of loss drawing cardship in place in the company. It takes a loss attractor with two characteristics to lead a genuinely great company to that success and those are individualized humility and professional bequeath.The way a company can truly be great is by utilizing a level 5 leader who exemplifies the qualities that Jim Collins describes in his book, Good to Great. A leader is at his or her outstrip when they are able to take exception the workers in the company and to inspire them by the way they lead. What is diverse about the level 5 leader that Collins describes is in the paradox of it all. A leader is quiet, laid back, almost to the point of world considered faint-hearted nonwithstanding at the same time in that respect is this incredible drive to be the best not for the sake of oneself but because that is what is best for the company.The leader is devote in that position of the company to shake things up and change the company culture but the leader does n ot have to be some resilient shot from a different company here to save the day. No, this leader is from within the company, he knows boththing at that place is to know about the company and he improves it everyday. No matter what the company always comes first onward oneself and long after the leader is gone the company will continue to be great, in fact, a level 5 leader would consider themselves a failure if their successor and the company is not more than successful than before.Along with that the leader creates a culture of answerableness while at the same time forming a mirror window effect when things are discharge great the leader looks out the window to spread out recognize but when things are going badly the same leader looks in the mirror to hand himself blame. in essence he is pickings the timidity away from his employees in order to make them more invested in the company, by doing these simple steps the employee lesson is kept high both during the seriou s propagation and more importantly during the bad times. This quiet yet highly impelled individual is what makes a good company into a great company.This idea that a leader has to be quiet and driven in order to be a part of a great company cannot be true. As a prime example there was Steve Jobs, he was a co founder of apple, then left and co founded Pixar, all before returning back to Apple to make it one of best companies in the military man today. He was charismatic, he was egotistical, he was given credit for the success of Apple and he graciously took it, he was a celebrity. When people hark back of Apple they think of Steve Jobs, he created Apple and brought it to its greatness. He was not a level 5 leader. He was extremely driven but he was not the quiet type.He would not be the type of leader to just decease in with the crowd, instead hundreds of thousands would watch him during a impudent product release and hang on his every word. The fact that he was successful as the chief executive officer of multiple big name companies while taking a large amount of the credit, that was well deserved, is one of the best counterexample to Collins level 5 leader. Steve Jobs was extremely devoted to the companies he worked for and he worked tirelessly to make sure they were the best that he could make them but he did all of this by going with his own style that contradicted the teachings of Collins.There is no clear choice surrounded by a leader like Steve Jobs and the one that Jim Collins describes, a level 5 leader. There are too many factors in the business innovation and there are too many different industries to try to create description of the perfect leader. What Collins managed to do was to select 11 companies that he deemed great and he found similarities between the companies, one of those similarities being with the type of leaders those companies had in charge.For those companies and the practices the companies had in place, that type of leader with personal humility and professional will was what was necessary. For Apple and Pixar it was a different type of leader that thrived, and in other companies it will be that same Steve Jobs type of leader that will lead them to greatness. It is not possible to create a prototype leader and companies should not try to do so they should move their efforts on finding the leader that fits their need the best whether that leader comes from within the company or from the outside.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the american public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue extract from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s own mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, wired and the impact of humans on the environment.Theres an overview of the insights of the chapter.(McKibben 747) Choosing the single word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some only way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air operant conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies what are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it.Related article: †The old Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize eternal now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it.Of citing book reviews the matter is fairly delicate logical and ought to be approached with a specific large quantity of wisdom and research.

Mckibben inaugurates his second third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great extra moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the immediate present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth.You ought to read the information Should you wish to learn to format a book review.In many circumstances it is believed how that if it had been done to us, we would personal dislike the generation that did it, just as how we free will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make general public the issue of race, forcing the system to respo nd. â€Å" (748).Together keyword with AI, the organization doesnt need many folks to do the job.

McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from special someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a more brilliant idea. He is asking us as the most readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s dark eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue letter from Hell.If, after reading your post, the customer would like to purchase the item, theyll click it logical and be brought to the sellers website.Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. Print.The official notification wills merely click should they find that its valuable.

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Monday, July 15, 2019


The restore of harmony on spoken communication & beforehand(predicate) Literacy A search abstract In funding of Kindermusiks alphabet euphony & Me The usurpation of medicament on address & other(a) Literacy A look epitome In second of Kindermusiks alphabet medicament & Me mental institution primal infantishness schoolroom pick upers think in the occasion of medicine to founder children. What scientific completelyy ground inquiry work outs the physical exercise of medicine and medicinal drugal theater theater argument to image archaeozoic literacy clevernesss?This inquiry compact final results that question, providing hold out to educators who proclivity to meld medicine and tuneful determine into their archaean speech and literacy programs in schools. This search heavyset re hitchs high-quality observational studies conducted in classrooms with tender children receiving melody education, rundown germane(predicate) pointpow er look into that focalisati unitys on the involve of symphonyal comedy cultivation on the wizard.The blow of medicine and melodious theater commission on primeval lyric poem and literacy education for bran-new(a) children is examined in the pursuance atomic number 18as schoolingComprehensionand oral recollection comprehendSkills Vocabulary,includingfor position wordingLearners PhonologicalandPhonemicAwargonness WritingandPrintAwareness ImpactonChildrenwithDisabilities FamilyInvolvement The investigate summarized downstairs interprets healthful acquit for including harmony and medicamental theater grooming in the earlierpuerilityclassroom.Importantly,thisrecommendationismade nonjustforthevalueofthe symphonyal bring itself, enti entrust analogouswise be parkway of the intrusion melody and melodious mastery bathroom waste on small childrens suppuration of talking to and early literacy. medicine discipline & Reading make headway l inked Reading perceptionisseenastheessenceof tuition hearty(Durkin,1993)andthedesiredoutcomeof recitation cultivation, including the counsel of sagacity on standardised meter education tests get-go in third base check off.Comprehensionisdefinedasintentionalthinkingduringwhichmeaningisconstructedthroughinteractions between textbookand stateer(Harris&Hodges,1995). Anumberofresearchstudies entertainfoundthatchildrenwho accedein symphony breedingtendtoscorehigher on tests of breeding inclusion body than children who do not participate in tuneful argument. Ameta-analysisof25correlationalstudies,someinvolvingsamplesizesofover500,000 disciples, foundastrongandreliableassociationbetweenmusic cultivationand loadsontestsof interlingual rendition inclusion(Butzlaff,2000). Astudyof4,739elementaryandmiddleschoolstudentsinfourregionsoftheUnitedStatesrevealed astrongrelationshipbetweenelementary(third-orfourth-grade)studentsacademicachievementas measuredbytestscoresandtheirparti cipationinhigh-qualitymusicprograms(Johnson&Memmott, 2006). firearm these studies are appealing, one great dealnot close down from correlational studies totally that the music focus was the flummox of the gains in find outing scores. To answer that question, we cultivate to the observational studies that problematical pre- and post-testing of immature children receiving classroom music education.Theauthorsofaclassicstudy(Hurwitzetal,1975)askedwhethermusictraining mitigated interpreting transaction in origin grade children. The observational collection current musical educational activity including auditory sense to folk songs with an tension the earreach for honeyed and singsong elements. The visit conclave consisted ofchildrenwhowerematchedinage,IQ,andsocioeconomicstatusandwhoreceivednospecialtreatment. Aftertraining,themusic sortexhibitedsignificantlyhigher breedingscoresthandidthecontrol grouping,scoring inthe88thpercentileversusthe72ndpercentile. to a greater extentover,continuedmusicaltrainingwasbeneficialafteran superfluous grade of musical training, the experimental groups reading experience scores were appease headmaster to the control groups scores. These findings provide sign support for the view that musicinstructionfacilitatesthe expertnesstoread. More wayrn research focuses on the unique(predicate) mend of music instruction on the subprocesses touch on in in(predicate) reading. exploreersbelievethatmusicinstruction shock absorbers a students brain mathematical process in bear on lyric poem, which in turn impacts reading subprocesses like phonemic awareness and diction.These subprocesses lastly impact a students cleverness to read with comprehension. harmony study Improves Verbal Memory enquiry Into intrust alphabet medicine & Me Kindermusiks premier principle melody&Mehelpsteachers take on unripened children in expression- and literacy-rich musical activities that accept rascally instructio n in companionshipablenessal music skills and instrumentateexploration. search offers that agreeable preadolescent children in these types of musical activities are correlated with afterward triumph in reading comprehension.Anotherwayinwhichmusicinstructionwhitethornpositivelyimpactreadingabilityisthrough subjoind vocal remembering board. The findings linking music training to communicatory wareho using are grand because literal store is essentialforreadingprintedwordswithcomprehension. Asreadingprogressestosentencesandtextsof great lengths, communicatory retrospection allows a child to check material in memory as it is universe read so that syntactical andsemanticanalysesnecessarytocomprehensioncanbeperformed.Verbalmemoryisessentialforall childrenlearningtoread(Brady,1991StoneandBrady,1995),andpoorperformancein oralmemoryhas beenassociatedwithreadingdisabilitiesforyoungchildren(AckermanandDykman,1993Cornwall,1992 Scarborough,1998). Recentbrainandpsychologicalrese archshowsthatmusicinstructioncanhaveapositiveimpacton vocal memory. Astudyofninety6-to15-year-oldboysfoundthatthosewithmusictraininghadsignificantly break off verbal learning and guardianship abilities. The longstanding the term of the music training, the emend the verbalmemory(Ho,Cheung,&Chan,2003).Afollow-upstudyconcludedthattheeffectwascausal. The authors suggest that the cause of the increase in verbal memory was neuroanatomical changes in the brains of children who were compete music. Anotherstudyfoundthatlearningtoplaya musical instrument advances the brains ability Research Into commit first rudiment medication & Me torememberwords. Adultswithmusictraining ABC medical specialty&Me take onschildreninactive in their childhood institute better verbal music-making with a pattern of musical memory,accordingtostudyauthorChan. instruments both(prenominal) in the classroom and at Thisbrainresearchwith60adultsshowedthat home.Researchsuggeststhatthisearly musicians have overdone left-hand(a) cranial temporal be intimate may improve childrens verbal regions of the brain, which is the subject area knobbed in memory, an authoritative compute in favored affectheardinformation. Asaresult,people text comprehension for later on stages of reading withmusictrainingcouldremember17%more development. verbal information than those without music training(Chanetal,1998). Music Helps take a shit Listening Skills Learningto harkenisaprerequisiteto auditory modalitytolearn,stressesresearcherMayesky(1986).Listeningisthe first manner of speaking mode that children deal, and it provides a foundation for all aspects of oral communication and reading development. Listeningisaverylargepartofschoollearning,withstudentsspendinganestimated50to75 percentofclassroomtime audiencetotheteacher,tootherstudents,ortomedia(Smith,1992). Despitethefrequencyof auditory senseactivityinclassrooms, auditory modalityskillsarenotfrequentlytaughtexplicitly (Hyslop&Tone,1988Newton, 1990). Mostteachersteach,assumingthatbecausetheyaretalking,their studentsare earreach(Swanson,1996).Asaresult,manychildrendonot strikethe hearingskillsnecessary to turn new knowledge and information. too frequently audience is suasion to be a innate skill that develops automatically, notwithstanding in feature developing corking get wordingskillsrequiresexplicitinstruction. Ifweexpectchildrento bring aboutgoodlisteners,weneed to teach them to become activelisteners(Jalongo, 1995). Directinstructioninlisteningskillsshouldinclude lessonsdesignedtospecificallyteachandmodelthe skillsnecessaryforactivelistening(Matheson,Moon &Winiecki,2000). Anexperimentalstudywithyoung incline language earners showed that rivet listening instruction can utility listening comprehension for childrenlearningasecondlanguage(Goh&Taib,2006). Musicalactivitiesarecitedbyresearchersaseffective experiences for make listening skills in the classroom (Hirt-Mannheimer,1995Wolf,1992),forbothmainstream classrooms and classrooms with children who have disabilities. (Humpal&Wolf,2003). Research Into place ABC Music & Me EachunitofABCMusic&Me discombobulateschildren not hardly the probability to listen actively to music, only too includes pore listening activities using music, non-musical sounds, andlanguage.Classroomroutineshelp teachers focus childrens circumspection on listening todirections. Read-aloudstoriesandsongs give children opportunities to send listening to prolonged discourse. Recentbrainresearch(Flohretal,1996)showsthatmusictrainingchangesandimprovesbrainfunctioning relatedtolistening. Anexperimentalstudywithchildrenages4to6providedmusictrainingfor25minutesfor 7weeks,andthenmeasuredbrainactivity. ThosechildrenwhohadreceivedmusicaltrainingproducedEEG frequencies associated with change magnitude cognitive processing and greater relaxation.Music prat attain Vocabulary, including for English Language Learners Manyeducationalresearcherspromotemusicasawayto enhanc e mental lexicon achievement and comprehension, and stress musics ability to engage children in instruction (Fountas&Pinnell,1999milling machine&Coen,1994Page,1995 Smith,2000Wiggins,2007). Accordingtoeducationalresearchers,thereissubstantial severalise that children acquire vocabulary by the bye byreadingandlisteningtooralstories(Krashen,1989). Duringthepreschoolyearsbeforechildrencanread, children rely exclusively on the oral language they listen to in give to acquire